Hui Duan
Time:2021-11-26 Source: Views:
Hui Duan graduated from of Economics & Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a Ph.D degree in Administration, and she is now an Associate Professor of Department of Administration in the School of Public Administration, as well as the Researcher of Center for Health Policy Research and Evaluation in Renmin University of China.
The main research interests of Professor Duan focus on Public Governance, Public Performance, Medical Health Policy, Public Hospital Management.
The main academic achievements of Professor Duan: published one academic monograph, compiled two teaching materials and published more than twenty papers in the Journal of Public Management, Chinese Public Administration, Chinese Journal of Health Policy, Public Administration and Policy Review, C hinese J ou rnal of Hospital Administration, C hinese Hospitals, Journal of Gansu Administration Institute, Renmin University of China Education Journal, etc.